26. Cancellation Scheme
You will see from our Conditions of Hire that, in common with Hiring Companies on almost every waterway in Europe, once you have booked your holiday cruiser you become responsible for the whole of the Hire Charge, even if unfortunate circumstances prevent you from taking over the craft. In common with all reputable Hiring Companies, we have arranged a Scheme to indemnify you from this liability. The Scheme is entirely voluntary, but you are advised to subscribe, particularly as booking is normally made some considerable time before the start of your holiday. If the reason for the cancellation is illness, accident, pregnancy or death of any prior named member of your party, and the necessary premium has been paid at the time of booking, the Hiring Company will refund all monies paid to it by the prospective Hirer (exclusive of the Cancellation Scheme premium), subject to production of a medical certificate stating the reason for cancellation. The Hiring Company will then have no further claim on the prospective Hirer. The Marine Company must be notified of cancellation immediately, and in all cases, no later than the day prior to the date of the charter.
If you do not take part in the Scheme, every effort will be made to re-let the craft. If successful, the deposit will be returned to the cancelling Hirer, less a re-booking fee of 15% of the Hire Fee. Otherwise, the cancelling Hirer will still remain responsible for the balance of the Hire Charge.
To participate in the Cancellation Scheme please select the ‘Subscribe to Cancellation Scheme’ option when booking. It will is necessary to notify the Company of the names and addresses of ALL members of your party by email. The premium is 3% of the TOTAL Hire Charge which will be taken from your deposit at time of booking.

For example
Total Hire Charge £650 – Premium £19.50
Total Hire Charge £1200 – Premium £36.00
Total Hire Charge £3600 – Premium £108.00